"use strict"; $(document).ready(function() { // Collapse navigation $('.navbar-main .collapse').on('hide.bs.collapse', function () { var $this = $(this); $this.addClass('collapsing-out'); }); $('.navbar-main .collapse').on('hidden.bs.collapse', function () { var $this = $(this); $this.removeClass('collapsing-out'); }); $('.navbar-main .dropdown').on('hide.bs.dropdown', function () { var $this = $(this).find('.dropdown-menu'); $this.addClass('close'); setTimeout(function(){ $this.removeClass('close'); }, 200); }); // Headroom - show/hide navbar on scroll if($('.headroom')[0]) { var headroom = new Headroom(document.querySelector("#navbar-main"), { offset: 120, tolerance : { up : 50, down : 200 }, }); headroom.init(); } // Datepicker $('.datepicker')[0] && $('.datepicker').each(function() { $('.datepicker').datepicker({ disableTouchKeyboard: true, autoclose: false }); }); // Tooltip $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // Popover $('[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function() { var popoverClass = ''; if($(this).data('color')) { popoverClass = 'popover-'+$(this).data('color'); } $(this).popover({ trigger: 'focus', template: '' }) }); // Additional .focus class on form-groups $('.form-control').on('focus blur', function(e) { $(this).parents('.form-group').toggleClass('focused', (e.type === 'focus' || this.value.length > 0)); }).trigger('blur'); // NoUI Slider if ($(".input-slider-container")[0]) { $('.input-slider-container').each(function() { var slider = $(this).find('.input-slider'); var sliderId = slider.attr('id'); var minValue = slider.data('range-value-min'); var maxValue = slider.data('range-value-max'); var sliderValue = $(this).find('.range-slider-value'); var sliderValueId = sliderValue.attr('id'); var startValue = sliderValue.data('range-value-low'); var c = document.getElementById(sliderId), d = document.getElementById(sliderValueId); noUiSlider.create(c, { start: [parseInt(startValue)], connect: [true, false], //step: 1000, range: { 'min': [parseInt(minValue)], 'max': [parseInt(maxValue)] } }); c.noUiSlider.on('update', function(a, b) { d.textContent = a[b]; }); }) } if ($("#input-slider-range")[0]) { var c = document.getElementById("input-slider-range"), d = document.getElementById("input-slider-range-value-low"), e = document.getElementById("input-slider-range-value-high"), f = [d, e]; noUiSlider.create(c, { start: [parseInt(d.getAttribute('data-range-value-low')), parseInt(e.getAttribute('data-range-value-high'))], connect: !0, range: { min: parseInt(c.getAttribute('data-range-value-min')), max: parseInt(c.getAttribute('data-range-value-max')) } }), c.noUiSlider.on("update", function(a, b) { f[b].textContent = a[b] }) } // When in viewport $('[data-toggle="on-screen"]')[0] && $('[data-toggle="on-screen"]').onScreen({ container: window, direction: 'vertical', doIn: function() { //alert(); }, doOut: function() { // Do something to the matched elements as they get off scren }, tolerance: 200, throttle: 50, toggleClass: 'on-screen', debug: false }); // Scroll to anchor with scroll animation $('[data-toggle="scroll"]').on('click', function(event) { var hash = $(this).attr('href'); var offset = $(this).data('offset') ? $(this).data('offset') : 0; // Animate scroll to the selected section $('html, body').stop(true, true).animate({ scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top - offset }, 600); event.preventDefault(); }); }); /*! ========================================================= * Argon Design System - v1.0.1 ========================================================= * Product Page: https://www.creative-tim.com/product/argon-design-system * Copyright 2019 Creative Tim (https://www.creative-tim.com) * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/creativetimofficial/argon-design-system/blob/master/LICENSE.md) * Coded by www.creative-tim.com ========================================================= * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */